In today's world, where natural disasters seem to be occurring with increasing frequency and intensity, the importance of effective emergency and disaster management cannot be overstated. It's a collective effort that requires international collaboration between countries, organisations, and individuals to tackle these challenges head-on.
Information is a critical part in the organisation and execution of work in civil protection work. First responders such as firefighters collect information on emergencies to organize their work prior and during natural disasters. From traffic accidents, forest fires, floods, to rescue operations and inspections of buildings. To prepare for forest fires, climate data, terrain data, type of incident, and cause of fire are collected. The statistics are used to identify various risks that cause incidents, try to mitigate accidents, and to train and prepare appropriate responses when fires occur. With advancements in technology, remote sensing and data collection technologies can monitor, collect and analyze data efficiently to support the decision-making process prior, and during emergencies. The TEMA project will utilize existing data sources, supplemented with additional sources to create models on the further progress of forest fires and floods.